Discover Our Story: Over 22 Years of Artistic Innovation and Creative Management. Explore by year Explore by milestone Featured Kid Koala releases his first graphic novel Nufonia Must Fall with a promotional book release tour with 10 shows across North America Kid Koala opens for Jack Johnson/Ben Harper USA Tour and Bjork’s show on Toronto Island Negotiated and secured a book deal for Kid Koala’s Nufonia Must Fall with ECW Press Ryhna Thompson Executive Produced the short film Basin Street Blues featuring animation by Kid Koala and Monkmus Envision welcomes second artist: Amon Tobin, releases and produces the tour for their Out From Out Where Album Envision is officially launched as a sole proprietorship: founded and owned by President of the company Ryhna Thompson Kid Koala tours with Radiohead on their North American Amnesiac Tour Ryhna Thompson began managing Kid Koala independently